Challenges in the Calibration of Finite Element Models for the Analysis of Masonry Structures: A Comparative Study

  • Ghezelbash, Amirhossein (Delft University of Technology)
  • Messali, Francesco (Delft University of Technology)
  • Rots, Jan G (Delft University of Technology)

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Numerical simulation of masonry structures is regarded as a reliable alternative to experimental studies aimed at understanding the performance of constructions under external loads and deformations. Continuous contributions to the field of computational modeling have led to the development of various approaches and techniques for representing the response of masonry at different scales. However, every numerical strategy requires a certain level of idealization of structure and materials, and different modeling assumptions for capturing the correct response of each case under study. In engineering practice, the absence of such calibrations could lead to incorrect design or assessment and unforeseen structural damages. This paper aims to identify the current problems in calibrating two state-of-the-art 3D simplified micro finite-element models while following a step-by-step calibration procedure. The implicit and explicit dynamic damaged-plasticity-based models of Aref and Dolatshahi [1] and D'Altri et al [2] are employed to reproduce the results of an experimental campaign on calcium silicate brick masonry walls subject to quasi-static cyclic in-plane and out-of-plane loads carried out at Delft University of Technology. The models are calibrated based on small-scale tests and applied to large-scale walls. Findings show that the considered constitutive material laws contain additional variables that cannot be directly deduced from the small-scale tests and therefore require extra calibration. Altering mesh properties, boundary conditions, and load application methods produces different results. Inherent differences between the implicit and explicit solutions emerge when the two models yield considerably different outcomes despite similar material properties and geometrical and loading conditions. The solution techniques are further studied for disadvantages, such as the divergence of the implicit model in large in- and out-of-plane deformations and the high fluctuations in reaction forces in the explicit model.