Assessment of phase-field fracture and crystal plasticity simulations of polycrystals

  • Scherer, Jean-Michel (Caltech)
  • Ramesh, Mythryei (Northwestern University)
  • Gorske, Sara (Caltech)
  • Marboeuf, Alexis (McMaster University)
  • Bourdin, Blaise (McMaster University)
  • Faber, Katherine (Caltech)
  • Voorhees, Peter (Northwestern University)
  • Bhatthacharya, Kaushik (Caltech)

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Recent advances in experimental characterization techniques, including X-ray diffraction microscopy and tomography, have made it possible to characterize the bulk microstructure and map the complex shape of cracks inside millimeter-sized samples. Meanwhile, mathematical and numerical tools, such as the phase-field approach to fracture, have been successfully developed and applied to model the nucleation and propagation of cracks in brittle materials. This method, originally designed to capture fracture on a macroscopic scale, has lately been extended to gain more and more physical insight. Among others, recent developments include for instance extensions accounting for an anisotropic fracture energy landscape, the coupling with plasticity [1] or diffusion of chemical species. In this context, we focus our scope on materials whose brittle fracture is triggered and governed by local plastic activity (e.g. iron-silicon or steels at low temperatures). We present recent advances in modelling the coupling between crystal plasticity and brittle fracture. We recall how local stress heterogeneities and singularites can result from dislocations self-interactions and interactions with grain boundaries. Therefore, we develop a modelling framework designed to capture plasticity-induced brittle fracture which accounts for a material lengthscale associated with plasticity. We outline the role of this lengthscale in capturing characteristic grain-size effects observed for brittle crack nucleation and propagation in polycrystals. REFERENCES [1] Brach, Stella, Erwan Tanné, Blaise Bourdin, and Kaushik Bhattacharya. "Phase-field study of crack nucleation and propagation in elastic–perfectly plastic bodies." Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 353 (2019): 44-65. [2] Schuren, Jay C., Paul A. Shade, Joel V. Bernier, Shiu Fai Li, Basil Blank, Jonathan Lind, Peter Kenesei et al. "New opportunities for quantitative tracking of polycrystal responses in three dimensions." Current Opinion in Solid State and Materials Science 19, no. 4 (2015): 235-244.