Multiresonant Layered Acoustic Metamaterials (MLAM): Computational Design and Optimization

  • Sal Anglada, Gaston (CIMNE - UPC)
  • Yago Llamas, Daniel (CIMNE - UPC)
  • Cante Teran, Juan Carlos (UPC - CIMNE)
  • Oliver Olivella, Javier (UPC - CIMNE)
  • Roca Cazorla, David (UPC - CIMNE)

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This study presents an optimal design of Multiresonant Layered Acoustic Metamaterials (MLAM) via a homogenization approach. The aim of the research is to improve the range of broadband sound attenuation at low frequencies (below 500 Hz), a challenge in the field of acoustics that cannot be solved using conventional materials without adding impractical amounts of mass. MLAMs offer exceptional attenuating properties through novel coupled resonances mechanisms in a layered configuration that makes them amenable for large-scale manufacturing. A novel computational design strategy is developed to optimize the MLAMs' performance in terms of their Sound Transmission Loss (STL). A multiscale homogenization framework specifically derived for MLAMs allows for an accurate and extremely fast evaluation of their STL response to normal-incidence acoustic waves in the frequency range of interest. The MLAM design is then parameterized into a set of relevant geometric features, which are optimized using a genetic algorithm combined with the homogenization model. The results demonstrate that this design strategy is a powerful tool to obtain optimal MLAM panel designs, subject to constraints such as weight, thickness, and manufacturing process tolerances.