Crystal Plasticity Simulations of Void Growth

  • Østergaard, Bjarke Juul Georgi (DTU)
  • Winther, Grethe (DTU)
  • Nielsen, Kim Lau (DTU)

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The stress state is one of the key controlling parameters determining the growth process leading to ductile failure in metals. For this reason, classical numerical studies consider systematic variations of constant stress triaxiality and the Lode parameter as far-field to extract details on the growth of pre-existing microvoids. However, voids embedded in a polycrystalline metal is subject to a heterogenous environment consisting of grains with different crystal lattice orientation. The lattice orientation controls the grain's mechanical response to the applied stress and, thereby, the interaction with the void. The present work considers a unit cell model setup, incorporating crystal plasticity, of a central void that borders several cuboidal grains and aims to study the void growth rate and shape evolution for various grain orientations. In an early parametric study of highly idealized grain configurations[1], demonstrates that the character of the grains surrounding a void impact the growth process. However, the present work focuses on the combined effect of the applied stress state and realistic configurations of the grain environment found in synchrotron measurements. The aim is to exploit the unit-cell model to determine unfortunate structures of grain orientations that potentially can lead to premature failure by favouring void growth.