Understanding bending of aluminium sheets through crystal plasticity simulations

  • González Duque, Laura (University of Manchester)
  • Quinta da Fonseca, João (University of Manchester)
  • Robson, Joseph (University of Manchester)
  • Cantergiani, Elisa (Novelis Switzerland SA)
  • Liang, Zeqin (Novelis Switzerland SA)
  • Leppin, Christian (Novelis Switzerland SA)

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Early failure of Aluminium alloys caused by strain localization and consequent formation of cracks at the surface region loaded in tension during bending was investigated through crystal plasticity (CP) simulations. Crystallographic texture has been identified as a relevant factor affecting strain localisation and shear banding [1]. Here, Crystal Plasticity Modelling (CPM) is used to study the effect of texture on strain localisation. The model inputs were textures measured with Electron Backscatter Diffraction (EBSD) and experimental tensile test data which were used to calibrate the parameters of the constitutive law and to create the microstructure of the representative volume element (RVE). A buffer layer was added on top of the RVE to simulate surface conditions and to successfully capture strain localisation at the free surface. Simulations of larger strains (up to 0.5) were run to accentuate the observed strain localisation and ease the comparisons between different load-cases and textures. As reported in literature [2], the grain structure affects shear band formation along with texture. Therefore, not only the representative texture, but also the real grain shape obtained from a 3D-EBSD dataset was imported and used as RVE. Previous results of CP bending simulations using synthetic microstructures generated with Voronoi tessellation were compared to the results obtained using the true experimental microstructure. The differences observed establish the importance of considering grain shape together with texture distribution. When the model is accomplished and validated with experimental strain measurements, different textures and load-cases will be correlated to strain localisation and shear band formation in the context of Al sheet failure in bending. Strain paths changes will be included for a better understanding of the microstructural changes during bending.