On the use of PGD-Approximation for Prediction of Evolving Plasticity in Wheel-Rail Contact

  • Ansin, Caroline (Chalmers University of Technology)
  • Larsson, Fredrik (Chalmers University of Technology)
  • Larsson, Ragnar (Chalmers University of Technology)
  • Ekh, Magnus (Chalmers University of Technology)

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Degradation of the railhead in curved tracks caused by high lateral contact forces between wheel and rail is associated with high maintenance costs. Thus, accurate predictions of rail damage for different operational conditions are necessary to perform cost-effective maintenance to extend the rail life. Typical damage mechanisms include plastic deformation, wear, and surface (or subsurface) initiated cracks due to rolling contact fatigue (RCF). Numerical computations of the long-term evolution and degradation of the rail head are computationally demanding. A proposed methodology [1] considers feed-back loops between dynamic vehicle-track interaction, elastic-plastic wheel-rail contact, and accumulated rail damage due to plasticity and surface wear to update the rail profile. Here, the evolution of plastic deformation requires many degrees of freedom for the proper 3D description of the nonlinear problem. To increase cost efficiency and to increase predictive accuracy, we propose implementing the reduced order model Proper Generalized Decomposition (PGD). PGD uses separated functions where the solution is successively enriched in each iteration. Thus, PGD allows for the introduction of many extra coordinates without affecting the solvability of the model. For our model, a 3D rail head with elasto-plastic material properties subjected to different contact scenarios is implemented. The coordinates include the out-of-plane coordinate as well as different parameters for the contact forces. Thus, we can solve the full 3D problem with 2D computational complexity. Furthermore, a large set of data is generated offline to facilitate efficient speed-up of the online simulations when it comes to evaluating the accumulated plastic deformation for many over-rollings. REFERENCES [1] C. Ansin, B. A. Pålsson, M. Ekh, F. Larsson and R. Larsson, "Simulation and field measurements of the long-term rail surface damage due to plasticity, wear and surface rolling contact fatigue cracks in a curve," in 12th International Conference on Contact Mechanics and Wear of Rail/Wheel Systems (CM2022), Melbourne (Australia), September 2022, 11 pp.