Validation of Mesoscale Field Dislocation Mechanics: micropillar confined thin-film plasticity and kink-banding in nanolaminates at finite deformation

  • Arora, Abhishek (Carnegie Mellon University)
  • Arora, Rajat (Advanced Micro Devices)
  • Acharya, Amit (Carnegie Mellon University)

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Micropillar compression experiments probing size effects in confined plasticity of metal thin films, including the indirect imposition of ‘canonical’ simple shearing boundary conditions, show dramatically different size-effect responses in compression and shear of the film. Similarly, additively manufactured nanolaminates show kink banding for sufficiently small lamination widths. The prediction of these observations may be considered as a critical test of continuum dislocation dynamics and strain gradient plasticity models at finite strains. The Mesoscale Field Dislocation Mechanics (MFDM) model is confronted with this set of experimental observations and shown to be capable of modeling such behavior, without any ad-hoc modification to the basic structure of the theory (including boundary conditions), or the use of extra fitting parameters.