Predictive Capability of 3DExperience (3DX) in Assesing Deformation Induced by Different Scanning Strategies in Laser Powder Directed Energy Deposition (LP-DED) Process

  • Poggi, Mirna (Politecnico di Torino)
  • Atzeni, E. ()
  • Luliano, L. ()
  • Salmi, A. ()
  • Vallone, M. ()
  • Damasio, M. ()

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Laser Powder Directed Energy Deposition (LP-DED) process has attracted increasing attention from the industry due to its ability to repair large, high-value components and its high production rate for massive components. Considering the similarities between welding and DED processes, several companies are interested in developing new or enhanced simulation software for DED processes, taking advantage of the benefits of welding simulation. Indeed, the simulation tool is crucial for reducing time and costs related to trial-and-error campaigns. Dassault Systèmes has developed the 3DEXPERIENCE (3DX) platform, which also allows the Finite Element Method (FEM) simulation of the thermo-mechanical behaviour of the LP-DED process. In this work, the ability of this 3DX module to estimate the deformation of the component and temperature variation during the building of an industrial-scale part is evaluated. In this investigation, a total of four distinct scanning strategies were compared to shed light on the capability of the simulation tool in predicting how the scanning path affects the ultimate deformation of the part and the substrate. The set-up giving maximum deformation was experimentally validated by depositing an AISI 316L geometry on a substrate of the same material in order to test the software’s predictive capabilities. Moreover, three time-stepping methods were compared, and their fidelity on thermal history and ultimate distortion were assessed to find a good trade-off between computational cost and prediction accuracy.