A Two-level Model for the Failure of Fiber-reinforced Concrete

  • Yu, Rena C (Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha)
  • Poveda, Elisa (Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha)
  • Ruiz, Gonzalo (Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha)

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Our study proposes a novel two-level model for fiber-reinforced cement-based composites. At the first level, we model and validate the pull-out behavior of a single fiber from the matrix against experimental results. Our model explicitly represents the fiber, the cementitious matrix, and the interface between them. This allows us to account for important factors such as friction, loading-rate dependency, and fiber orientation, which are cast into an equivalent constitutive law for each fiber at a given orientation. We conduct numerous simulations to generate a database of fiber behavior with different orientations, which we can later feed into the macroscopic level of the model. At the second level, we use the previously generated database to inform the constitutive relations of the fibers. We model a notched three-point bending beam with a central cohesive crack sewed with fibers and validate the global response against experimental results. Finally, we extend our model to mixed-mode fracture propagation by generating a fiber distribution based on micro Computerized Tomography scanning images. In this case, the constitutive relation for each fiber is activated based on the current principal stress directions. We validate the global response of the model against experimental results.