Prediction of Crack Initiation Around Punch Cutting Edge In Finish Blanking

  • Sasada, Masahiro (Doshisha University)
  • Imada, Kenta (Doshisha Univeristy)
  • Fuma, Shoun (Doshisha University)
  • Tanaka, Tatsuya (Doshisha Univeristy)

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Blanking is widely used in metal forming. The sheet metal is cut using the punch and die. The cut surface is consisted of shear droop, sheared surface, fractured surface, and burr. The demand for decreasing the fractured surface increase. Therefore, there are some reports about the results obtained by finite element method to predict the crack initiation in blanking. Moreover, there is the reports about the experimental method of tensile test to calculate the parameter of ductile fracture criteria. In this research, the method for determining the parameter of ductile fracture criteria from tensile test and FEM results was carried out. Then the crack initiation prediction around punch cutting edge was carried out. In this report, the predicted results about crack initiation for blanking using die having different rounded cutting edge are reported. The results were follows. The FEM and experimental results about punch stroke when the crack was initiated around the punch cutting edge agreed. The method for determining the parameter of ductile fracture criteria was calculated from the comparison between tensile test and FEM results was effective in crack initiation prediction for blanking using die having different rounded cutting edge.