Weak coupling between macroscopic and mesoscopic approaches to describe concrete cracking

  • Bitar, Ibrahim (IRSN)
  • Pélissou, Céline (IRSN)
  • Dray, Samy (ENS Paris-Saclay)
  • Perales, Frédéric (IRSN)

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The current work focuses on establishing a weak coupling between two scales of modelling for fracture analysis. The first level, referred as macroscopic, uses the Cast3M finite element code to provide insight into the damaged zones and approximate the creation and propagation of cracks. The objective of this modelling approach is to identify the location of damage and extract the necessary boundary conditions for the second level, known as mesoscopic modelling. The mesoscopic modelling approach is centred around the use of the XPER software, which is specifically designed for simulating complex cracking in heterogeneous materials using cohesive zone models. The mesoscopic level provides a detailed analysis of the areas where deformations are concentrated to produce a refined understanding of the damage. A python script has been developed to integrate the Cast3M and XPER software programs, allowing for data transfer and adaptation between the two scales. The effectiveness of the implemented coupling is demonstrated through two practical case studies, a notched beam in simple bending, and an L-shaped structure. The results of these case studies indicate that the coupling between the two levels is generally successful, although some areas for improvement are identified in the conclusion of the study.