Optimization of the Additive Manufacturing of Short Hemp Fibers Biocomposites

  • Niang, Ndeye Fatim (Femto-st Institute)
  • Barriere, Thierry (Femto-st Institute)
  • Placet, Vincent (Femto-st Institute)
  • Holopainen, Sami (Tampere University)

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Plant fibres are an alternative to the generally environmentally unfriendly synthetic fibres that currently dominate the composites market. Lightweight and inexpensive with good mechanical properties, plant fibre composites are increasingly used in injection molding in the automotive sector. However, their mechanical properties after 3D printing struggle to compete with those after injection molding despite the development of the FDM (Fused Deposition Modeling) process, which has progressively moved towards mechanical performances controlled by the slicing and printing parameters. The objective of this research is to optimize the 3D printing of PLA reinforced with hemp short fibres in order to improve their mechanical properties.