Model Order Reduced and Self-defined Topology Optimisation Methodology for Vibration Suppression Using Metamaterials

  • Bhat, Krishnaraj Vilasraj (INTA)
  • Martinez Teres, Ignacio (INTA)
  • Saucedo Mora, Luis (ETSIAE, UPM)
  • Javier Montans, Francisco (ETSIAE, UPM)
  • Garcia-Martinez, Juan (INTA)

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A metamaterial is a specifically designed material, imparting exotic properties otherwise not found in naturally occurring materials. Metamaterials are being increasingly used as possible solutions to modify dynamic behaviour in structures, such as vibration isola- tion/suppression [1] or waveguiding. Topology optimisation (TO) is being commonly used nowadays to obtain metamaterial designs to fulfill mainly mechanical capabilities under static loads, with a recent exploration of it ́s dynamic cases. Yet, to obtain metamaterial geometry with arbitrary dynamic properties, the state of the art methods still relies on human imagination and creativity, mainly on the hyperparameters definition [2], with a few recent exception. While TO often has produced a lot of innovative MM designs, it still calls for an automation to be attempted to design MMs with custom dynamic properties. This work explores the possibility of design automation of metamaterials to obtain arbitrary dynamic properties, especially acoustic metamaterials. The presented reseach also involves combining the two major subtypes of bandgap creation: local resonance and Bragg scattering. While the analytical method of bandgap search involves computationally costly eigenfrequency calculations, an attempt is also made to use model order reduction methods (at a risk of losing some information) followed by AI based optimisers in a topology optimisation framework. Different geometries are obtained using geometrical constraints, while also paving the way to integrate the constraints required for additive manufacturing.