A 3D Peridynamic Model for Elastoplastic Materials with Isotropic and Kinematic Hardening

  • Galvanetto, Ugo (University of Padova, Italy)
  • Pirzadeh, Atefeh (University of Padova, Italy)
  • Dalla Barba, Federico (University of Padova, Italy)
  • Sanavia, Lorenzo (University of Padova, Italy)
  • Bobaru, Florin (University of Nebraska-Lincoln)
  • Zaccariotto, Mirco (University of Padova, Italy)

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Computational methods based on Peridynamics have been extensively used in the last twenty years to simulate crack propagation, mainly in brittle materials. The application to ductile cases has not progressed at the same pace due to a scarcity of elasto-plastic constitutive laws in a peridynamic framework. The authors have considered two perfectly plastic models available in the literature [1, 2] and have equipped them with the possibility to describe isotropic and kinematic hardening. The new constitutive law adopts a rate-independent yield function equivalent to J2 plasticity with associated flow rule and make use of displacement and force states. The hardening formulations follow those available in the literature for classical continuum mechanics. The results obtained with the peridynamic model are compared to those obtained with a commercial FEM software which adopts the classical formulation. 2D and 3D examples are used to illustrate the capabilities of the new approach with isotropic, kinematic and combined hardening. The evolution of the von Mises stress during the load history at specific points in the structure and the distribution of the plastic zones, both computed with the new model, match well those produced by the FEM software. The proposed work is a first step towards simulating ductile fracture in solid materials with isotropic and kinematic hardening using peridynamics. The authors acknowledge the support they received from the Italian Ministry of University and Research through the CISAS PhD School of the University of Padova and from the University of Padova for the 2022 “Shaping a World-class University” initiative. REFERENCES [1] Mitchell, J.A., 2011. A nonlocal, ordinary, state-based plasticity model for peridynamics, Technical Report. Sandia National Laboratories, Albuquerque, NM, and Livermore, CA. [2] Mousavi, F., Jafarzadeh, S., Bobaru, F., 2021. An ordinary state-based peridynamic elastoplastic 2D model consistent with J2 plasticity. International Journal of Solids and Structures 229, 111146.