Fault Rupture Orientation under Diverse Loading Conditions in SPH Simulations

  • del Castillo, Enrique (Stanford University)
  • Borja, Ronaldo (Stanford University)

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Shallow faults in the uppermost portion of the Earth's crust can be extremely damaging to infrastructure when they propagate and rupture at the surface. Ring faults forming during the collapse of volcano calderas are likewise highly catastrophic events that exacerbate the severity and longevity of the volcano eruptive process. Continuum meshfree numerical methods, such as Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH), are well suited for modeling the large deformations and faulting occurring in the aforementioned problems as they avoid mesh distortion and handle strain localization and kinematic discontinuities naturally. Most previous work modeling geomaterials using SPH has relied on the Mohr-Coulomb or Drucker-Prager models, with some recent work incorporating the effects of strain softening in soil or rock deformation, especially in relation to evolving fault orientation. Nevertheless, these models fail to capture plastic volumetric compaction and localization as well as the buildup of fluid pressure under tectonic compression in fluid saturated soil and rock. Critical state models, on the other hand, such as the Cam-Clay or Modified Cam-Clay (MCC) models, accurately explain these phenomena. In this work we discuss some pitfalls in validating and performing simulations using the MCC model in SPH, and describe the initial stress generation procedure required for the solution to get started and for a geostatic state of stress to be achieved in the simulation domain. Using SPH simulations, we further consider the orientation and rotation of faults in a number of tectonic regimes including normal faulting in extensional tectonics, thrust faulting in compressional regimes, and ring faulting in caldera collapse events due to subsidence. Focusing on these loading configurations and their effect on geomaterial deformation, this work seeks to comprehend the factors and different parameters controlling the inclinations taken by faults rupturing at the Earth's surface.