Towards a two-scale Analysis of Residual Stresses in 3D

  • Hellebrand, Sonja (University of Duisburg-Essen)
  • Brands, Dominik (University of Duisburg-Essen)
  • Schröder, Jörg (University of Duisburg-Essen)

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Current research aims at the targeted introduction of residual stresses into components during their manufacturing process instead of minimizing them, for example, by subsequent heat treatments. Hot bulk forming processes offer a good opportunity to modify residual stresses in a specific way, since the interactions of thermal, mechanical and metallurgical kind can be exploited. In general, such a hot bulk forming process of a steel component can be divided into three steps: First, the component is heated to over 1000°C, which leads to a full austenitization of the material and an assumed to be stress-free initial configuration. Subsequently, forming takes place at this high temperature before the component is cooled down to room temperature. This third step results in a diffusion controlled or diffusionless phase transformation on the microscale based on the cooling rate, see [1]. In this contribution, the focus is on the last process step, i.e., cooling. Different cooling media lead to different phase transformations, which in turn lead to different residual stress distributions in the component. Motivated by the definition of residual stresses, which are characterized by the scale they act on, multi-scale finite element simulations of this cooling process are performed. The comparison of two- and three-dimensional boundary value problems shows the importance of the third dimension to represent the temperature development in the component and to predict residual stress distributions well. For this reason, a three-dimensional FE^2 calculation is presented, see [2], in which the microscale is determined by a three-dimensional representative volume element. The resulting residual stresses on macro- and microscale are evaluated and discussed. REFERENCES [1] Behrens, B.-A., Schröder, J., Brands, D., Brunotte, K., Wester, H., Scheunemann, L., Uebing, S., Kock, C., Numerische Prozessauslegung zur gezielten Eigenspannungseinstellung in warmmassivumgeformten Bauteilen unter Berücksichtigung von Makro- und Mikroskala, Forschung im Ingenieurwesen (Engineering Research), 10.1007/s10010-021-00482-x, 2021. [2] Schröder, J., A numerical two-scale homogenization scheme: the FE^2-method, in Schröder, J. and Hackl, K. (Eds.), Plasticity and Beyond – Microstructures, Crystal-Plasticity and Phase Transitions, Vol. 550 of CISM Courses and Lectures, pp. 1-64, 2014.