Multi-scale Analysis of Hardening Concrete Under Vibration

  • El Yassini, Soufiane (Austrian Institute of Technology)

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Concrete that is exposed to vibration during hardening -e.g., concreting works on existing bridges- loses some of its mechanical properties. Within an ongoing research project, an extensive series of tests is being carried out to determine respective threshold values for vibration amplitudes. According to the experimental data, there are multiple causes for the deterioration of material properties: accumulation of air voids, concentration of concrete aggregates, chemical inhomogeneity of the cement stone, change of water permeability and increased cracking. In this paper, a numerical simulation is performed at the microstructure level using multiscale analysis to understand in detail the damage processes that occur in concrete during hardening. The increased inhomogeneity occurring in the shaken concrete is modelled by generating multiple Representative Volume Elements (RVE). To model the structural composition of the individual concrete components, distribution functions are developed for each component of the concrete, which are calibrated using the results of micro X-ray fluorescence analysis taken from the experiments. Inhomogeneous temperature distribution during hardening causes residual stress. Considering this in connection with the stress caused by vibration, it can be shown that it leads to an increased irregular stress along the interface and therefore weakens the adhesion between aggregate and cement and leads to an increased susceptibility to cracking. The increased crack formation can be reproduced by formulating a failure criterion which only acts on the interface of adhesion. If the criterion is met, the bond between aggregate and cement is partially broken and cracking occurs. Thus, the effect of increased cracking along the interface can be reproduced. The results of the RVE-models map the other phenomena like concentration of voids and aggregates which leads to a clear understanding of the arrangement of the shaken concrete microstructural parameters.