A Dynamic ALE Framework for Structures with Inelastic Material Properties Under Moving Loads

  • Anantheswar, Atul (Institute for Structural Analysis, TU Dresden)
  • Wollny, Ines (Institute for Structural Analysis, TU Dresden)
  • Kaliske, Michael (Institute for Structural Analysis, TU Dresden)

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The goal of this work is to introduce an extension of the quasi-static Arbitrary Lagrangian Eulerian (ALE) framework introduced by Wollny et al. [1] to the transient domain, and to solve for the dynamic response of a structure subjected to moving loads. Usually, the ALE approach is used as a mesh adaptation technique [2]. However, in this contribution, it is applied to achieve a change of the reference frame of the observer, and offer a new perspective. From this new perspective, the load appears to have a constant position, while the material of the body appears to flow under it. This approach can be successfully utilized to accurately solve problems, where the structure under consideration is long, and has uniform properties along its length (e.g., pavements, gantry girders etc.). An advantage of this approach is the significantly smaller domain required for the analysis, when compared to a conventional Lagrangian finite element formulation. With conventional methods, the entire structure in the domain of motion of the load would need to be discretized. However, if the ALE approach is used, this domain can be significantly reduced, as the load would appear to be fixed in position to an observer in the ALE reference frame. The dynamic ALE framework under development aims to accurately capture the transient behaviour of inelastic materials under moving loads in a computationally efficient manner. REFERENCES [1] Wollny, I., & Kaliske, M. (2013). Numerical simulation of pavement structures with inelastic material behaviour under rolling tyres based on an arbitrary Lagrangian Eulerian (ALE) formulation. Road Materials and Pavement Design, 14(1), 71-89. [2] Zreid, I., Behnke, R., & Kaliske, M. (2021). ALE formulation for thermomechanical inelastic material models applied to tire forming and curing simulations. Computational Mechanics, 67(6), 1543-1557.