Multiscale Simulation Chain for the Simulation and Optimization of Components Made of Long Fiber Reinforced Polymers

  • Köbler, Jonathan (Fraunhofer ITWM)
  • Kabel, Matthias (Fraunhofer ITWM)
  • Andrä, Heiko (Fraunhofer ITWM)
  • Welschinger, Fabian (Robert Bosch GmbH)
  • Kech, Armin (Robert Bosch GmbH)
  • Ersch, Maiko (Robert Bosch GmbH)
  • Schirrmacher, Roland (Robert Bosch GmbH)
  • Mönnich, Sebastian (PEG Plastics Engineering Group GmbH)
  • Wolters, Jan (Institute for Plastics Processing (IKV))
  • Mentges, Noah (Institute for Plastics Processing (IKV))
  • Di Batista, Fabio (Institute for Plastics Processing (IKV))
  • Hopmann, Christian (Institute for Plastics Processing (IKV))
  • Fritzen, Felix (SC Simtech, University of Stuttgart)

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Constantly increasing regulatory requirements and the drive to produce more energy-efficient laundry machines make lightweight construction indispensable in this area. A current challenge is the EU’s environmental labeling requirements, which became stricter in March 2021. To receive the best energy label in the future, laundry machines must be designed for higher spin speeds. The associated higher mechanical requirements can no longer be met with short-fiber-reinforced thermoplastic (SFT) components. Long-fiber-reinforced thermoplastics (LFT) represent a promising alternative with better resistance to fatigue damage. We present a multiscale approach adapted for LFT, which allows component design and optimization based on digital models. For this purpose, the multiscale simulation framework for SFT [1] is extended to LFT. This requires consideration of additional influencing factors such as the locally variable fiber volume fraction and the fiber length distribution in the component, which are determined by MoldFlow injection molding simulations. Furthermore, model order reduction techniques and FFT-based full-field simulations, using the composite boxels technique [2] in ITWM’s inhouse Solver FeelMath, on long fiber reinforced volume elements, are used to represent the influence of microstructure properties on the component scale. The material models of the individual constituent materials are calibrated based on various measurements on specimens. In this talk we present a continuous simulation chain and their application to geometry optimization, consisting of injection molding simulation, microstructure generation, macroscopic model generation and macroscopic simulation with the commercial FE solver Abaqus, using the example of the lye container of a laundry machine. [1] Köbler, J., Magino, N., Andrä, H., Welschinger, F., Müller, R., Schneider, M., A computational multi-scale model for the stiffness degradation of short-fiber reinforced plastics subjected to fatigue loading, Comput Methods Appl Mech Eng, 373, 113522, 2021. [2] Keshav, S., Fritzen, F. & Kabel, M., FFT-based homogenization at finite strains using composite boxels (ComBo). Comput Mech 71, 191–212, 2023.