
Characterization of Mechanical Properties of Alloys using Instrumented Indentation Test

  • Watanabe, Ikumu (National Institute for Materials Science)
  • Chen, Ta-Te (National Institute for Materials Science)
  • Liu, Dayuan (University of Tsukuba)

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Instrumented indentation test is an extension technique of hardness test, which measures the load-depth relationship. Based on the technique, approaches have been developed to estimate the stress-strain curve instead of tensile or compression test. A load-depth curve using a sharp indenter such as Berkovich indenter does not contain enough information to estimate a unique solution of stress-strain curve. Therefore, dual-indenter approaches using two sharp indenters with different apex angles were developed. In this study, we developed estimation methods using a single indenter. Firstly, we focused on the pile-up height around indentation impression. Using computational simulations, we revealed that the pile-up height depends on the hardening rate and have a different sensitivity with a loading coefficient calculated from a load-depth relationship. Therefore, estimation approaches of stress-strain curve were developed using load-depth relationship and pile-up height. This approach is especially effective on alloys having low hardening ratio because the pile-up height becomes high. For high hardening alloys, another approach has been developed, in which two indentation tests are conducted with a single sharp indenter. In this approach, an interaction between the existing and subsequent indentation tests was utilized to extract information about stress-strain curve using computational simulations. Besides, data-driven approach based on response surface produced by computational simulations was proposed. In this presentation, we would introduce the details of these proposed approaches and present the validations to emphasize the applicability for practical materials.