Toughening Effect of Out-of-crack-path Architected Zones

  • Triclot, Julie (INSA Lyon)
  • Corre, Thomas (Ecole Centrale de Nantes)
  • Lazarus, Véronique (ENSTA Paris)
  • Gravouil, Anthony (INSA Lyon)

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This work aims to tackle the problem of crack propagation in architected materials. This study focuses on the remote effect of architected regions on crack propagation. This issue is addressed in the framework of quasi-static linear elastic crack propagation, through finite element simulations with arc length algorithm. The results are then validated using CT tests with 3D printed samples and digital image correlation for crack tracking. The simulations allow bringing to light two important phenomena in this sitution: a local slow down and a snap-back instability. Both are analysed to demonstrate how they can be considered as toughening mechanisms. Then, a parametric study is conducted to understand the effect of the mechanical characteristics of the architected zone on the two observed phenomena. Experiments are then used to validate that these phenomena effectively appear.