Multi-scale modeling of damage in woven composites

  • Doitrand, Aurélien (MATEIS, INSA LYON)

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Damage in woven composites made of epoxy matrix and glass fibres is studied both experimentally and numerically. Multi-instrumented (digital image correlation, acoustic emission, in-situ microscope observations) experimental tensile tests are performed on plain specimen in order to i) identify the different damage mechanisms such as matrix cracking, yarn/yarn or yarn/matrix debonding, ii) follow damage growth as a function of the applied loading and iii) estimate the influence of damage on the macroscopic composite properties. Numerical simulations of the observed damage mechanisms are then performed. First, an accurate representation of the meso-structure is obtained through simulation of the composite manufacturing process. This is confirmed by a good quantitative agreement of the simulated surface strain fields compared to those obtained using digital image correlation [1]. Then, crack initiation and propagation are assessed in a representative volume element of the composite, which enables estimating the intra-yarn transverse cracking and debonding densities as a function of the applied loading as well as their influence on macroscopic elastic properties [2]. REFERENCES [1] Doitrand A, Fagiano C, Leroy FH, Mavel A, Hirsekorn M. On the influence of fabric layer shifts on the strain distributions in a multi-layer woven composite. Composite Structures, 2016, Volume 145: Pages 15-25, doi : 10.1016/j.compstruct.2016.02.054. [2] Doitrand A, Fagiano C, Hild F, Chiaruttini V, Mavel A, Hirsekorn M. Mesoscale analysis of damage growth in woven composites. Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing, 2017, Volume 96: Pages 77-88, doi: 10.1016/j.compositesa.2017.02.018