Formulation and Calibration of a Visco-elasto-plastic-damage Constitutive Model for Fibre-reinforced Polymers

  • Rodrigues Lopes, Igor (INEGI)
  • Gonçalves, Paulo (INEGI)
  • Danzi, Federico (INEGI)
  • Arteiro, Albertino (Faculdade de Engenharia Universidade do Porto)
  • Andrade Pires, Francisco (Faculdade de Engenharia Universidade do Porto)
  • Camanho, Pedro (Faculdade de Engenharia Universidade do Porto)

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Progressive failure analysis of structural details made of composite laminates can be challenging due to the compromise between computational cost and model fidelity. One possible approach is to employ meso-scale finite element models, which consider a laminate discretization at the level of the ply. Appropriate constitutive equations that are applicable to each transversely isotropic (unidirectional) layer must be used. In this contribution, invariant-based constitutive equations are presented to predict the visco-elastic–visco-plastic behaviour of the plies [1]. These constitutive equations are combined with a smeared crack model to predict transverse matrix cracking [2], along with a continuum damage approach for longitudinal failure. This modelling approach is formulated in a finite strain framework. The procedures for the determination of constitutive parameters and the experimental data required by these procedures are discussed. Numerical simulations are introduced to verify and validate both the modelling framework and the calibration strategy. REFERENCES [1] Rodrigues Lopes, I. A., Camanho, P. P., Andrade Pires, F. M., and Arteiro, A. (2022). An invariant-based elasto-visco-plastic model for unidirectional polymer composites at finite strains. International Journal of Solids and Structures, 236–237, 111292. [2] Camanho, P. P., Bessa, M. A., Catalanotti, G., Vogler, M., and Rolfes, R. (2013). Modeling the inelastic deformation and fracture of polymer composites-Part II: Smeared crack model. Mechanics of Materials, 59, 36–49.