Geometrical and Crystal Plasticity Modelling of Effects of Microstructure on Mechanical Properties of Additively Manufactured 316L Stainless Steel Struts

  • Kavousi, Majid (University of Galway)
  • McHugh, Peter (University of Galway)
  • McGarry, Patrick (University of Galway)
  • Leen, Sean (University of Galway)

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Laser powder bed fusion (LPBF) additive manufacturing (AM) is gaining popularity as a versatile, pioneering and time-efficient method for manufacturing intricate parts directly from CAD designs, especially for biomedical applications such as stents or patient-specific orthopaedic implants. However, given the wide range of AM process variables and complex melting/solidification histories, defects and porosity are almost inevitable, which in turn affect the integrity and mechanical performance of produced parts. This modelling study establishes a process-structure-property (PSP) relationship for additive manufacturing of thin AISI 316L struts, as could be used in stents. The methodology is based on a new geometrically-based rationale for the selection of AM process variables (hatch spacing, layer thickness and laser energy density), combined with crystal plasticity finite element (CPFE) micromechanical models that include melt pool microstructural morphology, texture and porosity. The effects of AM process variables and porosity on ductility, yield strength and UTS are analysed. The new methodology has allowed identification of optimal hatch spacing and layer thickness for a given laser spot size, power and scanning speed. Moreover, CPFE modelling reveals the detrimental effect of porosity on the ductility and strength of the struts.