Application of the Adaptive Static Condensation Method on the Vercors Mock-Up

  • Mezher, Ali (CEA SACLAY)
  • Jason, Ludovic (CEA SACLAY)
  • Folzan, Gauthier (CEA SACLAY)
  • Davenne, Luc (LEME, Université Paris Nanterre)

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In order to evaluate the cracking phenomenon in large reinforced and prestressed concrete structures, a predictive simulation of concrete damage with a fine mesh and a nonlinear law is necessary. Due to the computational cost, such modeling is not applicable to the scale of the complete structure. To solve this difficulty, a method called “Adaptive Static Condensation: ASC” was initially proposed in (Llau et al., 2015) then developed in (Mezher et al., 2022). It is based on static condensation (Guyan, 1965), and aims to concentrate the effort on the damaged area. In this contribution, the applicability and efficiency of ASC are shown on the 1/3 scale mock-up of a containment vessel (Vercors). The ASC allow to reach levels of simulations inaccessible in complete calculation while using a non-local model of damage for the concrete.