Modelling of elastoplasticity and fracturing of polycrystalline metals using microplane approach

  • Mundó, Ignasi (Ciefma - UPC)
  • C. Caner, Ferhun (Ciefma - UPC and INTE - UPC)
  • M. Mateo, Antonio (Ciefma - UPC)

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In this study, the microplane approach is used to model the elastoplastic fracturing behaviour of polycrystalline metals. It is shown to efficiently reproduce the average response from the physical phenomena occurring on different slip planes during plastic deformation, damage and fracture for concrete, rock and more recently in so-called hard metals in small scale [1]. These deformations are represented by different microplanes in different orientations distributed to approximately satisfy the frame indifference requirement. Thus, it is a semi-phenomenological representation of elastoplasticity, void formation, void coalescence, damage and fracture with strain softening. The stress-strain relations are prescribed on the microplane level. There are two approaches considered in this work: (1) J2-plasticity model applied at the microplane level (the model MPJ2) and (2) a more general explicit approach using the so-called strain dependent yield functions. The first approach has been previously studied and found to be incapable of reproducing neither the vertex effect nor the Bauschinger effect [2]. The second approach is shown to capture both of these effects in this study. To this end, both models are implemented into a VUMAT subroutine. The models are calibrated using uniaxial tension test data and validated against experimental data in shear and clinching process for the same material, namely the alloy Al6061. Stress triaxiality of the ductile fracture is also addressed. The performance of the two models are compared to that of the modified GTN model.