Research on Obtatining High Precision Forming Limit Diagram of High Tensile Strength Steel

  • Otake, Yusei (Gunma University)
  • Okubo, Shuji (Gunma University)
  • Nishida, Shinichi (Gunma University)
  • Nedachi, Tomoki (Toa Industries Co.,Ltd.)

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This paper reports on a study of obtaining high precision forming limit diagram for high- tensile steel sheet. Flange cracking is a serious problem in press forming of high- tensile steel sheet. To avoid cracking, the deformation of the material must be kept within the deformation limits, so it is necessary to accurately determine the various deformation limits of the material. In this study, Erichsen tests and FEM analyses were conducted on actual presses to obtain highly accurate forming limit diagram. After obtaining good maximum and minimum principal strains by analysis and determining the optimal die shape, the actual die was designed and tested on the actual machine to obtain high precision FLD.