Coupled multiphysics large deformation problems using MPM

  • Larese, Antonia (University of Padova & TUM-IAS)
  • Singer, Veronika (Technical University of Munich)
  • Moreno, Laura (University of Padova)
  • Boerst, Andino (Technical University of Munich)
  • Crescenzio, Nicolò (University of Padova)
  • Wuechner, Roland (Technical University of Braunschweig)

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Natural hazards involving large mass movements such as landslides, debris flows, and mud flows often cause important damages to our structures and to the surrounding landscape. The numerical simulation of the above events still represents a big challenge mainly for two reasons: the need to deal with large strain regimes and the intrinsic multiphysics nature of such events. While the Finite Element Method (FEM) represents a recognized, well established and widely used technique in many engineering fields, unfortunately it shows some limitation when dealing with problems where large deformation occurs. In the last decades many possible alternatives have been proposed and developed to overcome this drawback, such as the use of the so called particle-based methods. Among these, the Material Point Method (MPM) avoids the problems of mesh tangling while preserving the accuracy of Lagrangian FEM and it is especially suited for non linear problems in solid mechanics and fluid dynamics. The talk will show some recent advances in MPM formulations to deal with large mass movements. We will present both an irreducible and a mixed formulation stabilized using variational multiscale techniques, as well as the partitioned strategies to couple MPM with other techniques such as FEM or DEM. All algorithms are implemented within the Kratos-Multiphysics open-source framework and available under the BSD license.