Optimality processing conditions and forming induced properties

  • Ebrahimian, Fariba (ARTS ET MÉTIERS DE PARIS)
  • Rodriguez, Sebastian (ARTS ET MÉTIERS DE PARIS)
  • Di Lorenzo, Daniele (ARTS ET MÉTIERS DE PARIS)
  • Chinesta, Francisco (ARTS ET MÉTIERS DE PARIS)

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When looking for a target shape in the context of the Sheet Molding Compound (SMC) process, when compressing a micro- or nanostructured reinforced polymer with a given speed, different questions arise. Among them, we find; (I) which is the optimal initial shape and its location, such that after squeezing the final shape differs at minimum from the targeted one; (II) which is the optimal microstructural state induced by the squeezed flow, from which functional properties and performances will depend. In this work, a low-cost Finite Element Model (FEM) for the simulation of the compression flow of a viscous fluid is presented, which will be used for the training of an optimizer capable of determining the optimal positions and shape of the initial preform when compared against real data. Finally, from the kinematics determined, the microstructural evolution will be evaluated to derive predictions of the final material properties to achieve specific requirements.